MXZ 440 burn up


New member
Sep 21, 2011
Hey guys,

my buddy just bought this from his brother in law because it lost compression. He pulled it apart and found this. What do you think? Don't laugh at all the gasket sealer, it wasn't him. I told him to pull the other side apart as well and get rid of all the sealer and fix it right.

Is this a lean thing from an air leak or something mechanicall. He said it doesn't look like it got hot as the plug was a nice golden brown. His brother in law fixed this because of a burn down on this side and then drove it for 100 miles or so and this happened. This is a front and back picture so it happened to both sides of the piston.




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start at the carbs,,,,,,, may be lean condition,,,,, tell us what is in there now ...........probably all gooked up..........
Also certainly check the tank for water, I agree with whammy the carbs are the biggest suspect for sure. Also check ur fuel and oil lines make sure they are still soft and plyable.g
Maybe by looks of the excess sealer, he tried to reuse the old gaskets? Or, he didn't have enough oil flow? I always add some premix on a fresh motor to avoid problems.
Its a ski doo. U will be chasing that problem forever. Looks like it got hot. What brand pistons are they, what were the riding conditions, were the carbs clean, fresh gas?, was he pinned or just cruising. Need more info.
said he was just cruising across the lake but who knows. I told him to yank the carbs and make sure that the guy didn't mix up the jets and put the smaller jet in this carb by mistake.

Thanks for the info
