spi 8" extended cables question?????


New member
Nov 26, 2009
i have a set of spi 8" extended throttle and oil pump cables. but for some reason i cannot get enough length in the oil pump cable, i have everything extended as far as it will go out. does not seem long enough. if anyone has used these and has pictures of setup that would help...
I dont run them but I know that countless amounts of people have trouble with them and get rid of them asap. What sled Is it?
kingcodsx said:
viper...trying to put a 4 inch riser on it...not sure if it is product flaw

Those spi cables are junk. I had them on my viper and the first ride I had with them the housing thats hooked to the carb broke. Plus they make your throttle 10x harder to pull. I would get some new cables off a 03 mtn viper or i heard that rsi makes some really nice cables too. I have 4in raisers on my viper and bought 03 mtn viper cables. They work perfect.

BTW thanks kingcodsx for those vforce reeds.
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cliffordtom can you explain/post a pic of running cables through the air box. cause in my mind i'm seeing a few holes with cables running through them? haha thanks
i put a 6" rsi extended cable on my viper but also found that the oil pump cable was to short. i had it extended all the way to its longest point. what i ended up doing was i took off the nut that it came with and just ran it through the pump bracket and used the jam nut that was on the old yamaha calbe. even after this it was still barley long enough.

maybe ther is a way to adjust the arm on the pump to get some more play from the cable? i
