New member
Nov 10, 2011
I have the oppourtunity to buy my buddies 98 or 99 srx not quite sure on the year, It has around 6000 miles no re-build. Studded track. New hood with no scratches, and a excelent seat. -$1800

Currently i have a 99 sxr. Its been a good sled so far. Has a can, clutch work, suspension drop brakets good seat and about 7000 miles.

Im at a crossroad, everyone with an SRX says its the best sled they have ever ridden. The biggest issue i have is the suspension being to stiff. Im only 17 but i like long rides 150 miles in a day is nothing. And i would be down to throw a new skid in for better suspension setup. But im not sure what would work the best.

Let me hear what you guys would do?

Thanks, Shawn
Ditch the SXR and get the SRX. If suspension is an issue for you and youre willing to fix it do a skid swap. You wont regret buying it once you squeeze the throttle on that SRX for the first time!
I knew that the skid could be switched. How much work gos into that? Move any mounting holes to bolt up the new one or use stock holes?
(GYTR)-YAMI said:
I knew that the skid could be switched. How much work gos into that? Move any mounting holes to bolt up the new one or use stock holes?

Depends on what skid you want to use. A longer travel pro action will bolt in the stock holes but any other brand skid will need new mounting holes added. I put a polaris IQ skid in mine a couple years ago, I found dimensions for the mounting holes online and had to make spacers but it was a pretty straight forward swap. Made a huge difference in ride too.
I have a 2001 srx. I wouldnt by older than 2000, as the single bulb headlight seriously sucks. If you can find a 2002 with DCS I would go for that one, but this is coming from someone who just had a meltdown lol

but ya my opinion 2000-2002 is where its at
here is a good read from SnowTech I believe years back when the 02 was tested

interesting read on the 2002 SRX
Found this article,thought I would post it for you 2002 SRX owners:
Top Performance: SRX
Yamaha states that the SRX is based on industry-leading engine technology like self-cleaning power valves, 3D ignition system, liquid-heated flatslide carbs and new for this year is an automatic detonation control system.

The SRX is for the go-quick guy. Based on our 11th annual Shoot-Out results the SRX can zip through a quarter mile in nearly 12 seconds flat. That was the best out-of-box experience we've seen at any Shoot-Out. So the performance is real.

Yamaha's Detonation Control System allows leaner production carb settings to reliably produce increased power. Since the mix is leaner, the sled gets improved fuel efficiency.

The DCS monitors combustion vibration for signs of possible detonation, which may come from poor fuel, water or contaminants in the fuel. When detonation problems are detected, the ignition timing adjusts until detonation ceases.

When the DCS reacts, you get up to three stages of action:
1. Upon initial detection, the ignition timing retards 3 degrees;

2. If detonation continues, the timing sets back 6 degrees and you see a quick flash from the console mounted warning light;

3. If engine-damaging levels prevail, the ignition reduces top revs to a "limp home" mode of 6400 revs and the indicator lamp continues to flash. When the detonation stops, the system automatically resets itself.

We found when test riding an SRX with regular grade fuel and jetting set 10 jets too lean for Midwestern riding conditions that the sled automatically retarded itself. When we held the throttle wide open in spite of the monitored warning, the sled backed down to 6400 revs, reset the ignition and then climbed back out until the jetting and low grade gas once again required a sensor reaction. We couldn't burn the engine down. And we were trying. This will most likely be a coming feature for all future sleds as it beats the Polaris dual mode switch in peace of mind for owners.

Key 2002 SRX features:
• Dual bulb halogen headlamps;
• 145 horsepower, 700cc Power Valve-equipped three-into-three triple;
• Dual-piston hydraulic brake with inner ventilated rotor for improved cooling and stopping power;
• ProAction chassis and suspension systems for flat cornering and high speed performance;
• CNC machined exhaust ports;
• Powder metal forged pistons;
• 300 watt ignition with 3-D timing;
• Plastic skis;
• End Goal: Maximum horsepower and quick accelerating machine for very competitive riders.
Do you have enough restraint to own an SRX. If you have a heavy thumb,17 years old and not alot of restraint, my vote is to keep you alive and just be satisfied w/ the power you have in the SXR.
With that many miles, crank was fixed. Not all 98's had bad cranks, only the first couple hundred. But I was told this by a reputable dealer. Grab the sled, rebuild the shocks, you won't ride the sxr again.
Me and my dad were actually thinking of turning it into an Ice racer. I have the restraint to ride ive been riding since i was 10 and i often ride my dads vector so the power aspect wont be an issue. Thanks for watchin out for me! But at the rate were gettin snow i dont think ill be doing much riding anyways.
yea im used to animals i drive an LS1 camaro for my daily driver in the summer and ride a zrx 1100, and on the rare occation my dads 427 chevelle. But is the srx really that huge of a difference over an sxr or a verctor? I mean ive heard hey are fast but are they really skiis off the ground 24/7 kinda sleds?

Thaks for the concern it good to know you guys are watchin out for us kids!
Lifting the skis 24/7 is more of skid adjustment issue. I myself am not a fan of wheelie. I played around with mine so that when you nail it the skis just hover 2-4" off the ground....Less drag that way!
That what I loved about my 98 v max it was just right in and out of the turns. Lifting them when you want it and keeping them down when you need them
i have a nytro and an srx, im selling my 2001 srx to keep my 2000 srx (the 2000 looks like new, i have the motor at the builders and need funds to finish it) i use the nytro on the bumps, but i can promise i will be on my srx when i ride far north. ive pissed off more new sled owners than i could keep count of on a 10 year old sled. the srx literally handles like a slot car properly set up could still deal with a bumpy trail. then drop down on the lake and put a hurtin on people. then when youre done you could lead everyhome back home.
The mono skid from an Apex will bolt right into a SRX.
Just like having a bender skid in it but much less expencive to do.

Improves the ride and possibly the handling performance but I'm not sure on that.
