Does anyone know what size jets I should be using on a 2002 viper with slp triple pipes and v force reeds?

try 147.5's.On the XTC700 with SLP pipes we are using them.Last season we were at 150's but found them to be a little to rich.
bluemonster1 said:try 147.5's.On the XTC700 with SLP pipes we are using them.Last season we were at 150's but found them to be a little to rich.
ummm, hope he is riding it in about 40-60F degree weather or your going to cost him a engine with a lean burn down!
02viperLT, Go to slp website, and look up in the technical section for your jetting, you need to know the altitude and temp your running it at, be sure to take note if your using a ethanol fuel like is whats used at most gas stations now as it will require bigger jets and richer needles! I have found slp jetting and clutching to be pretty good right as they have it listed.
if your in snow your gonna see youll be around a 162.5 main and 47.5 pilot jet, raised needle. Follow thier chart its quite helpfull. Your reeds dont require any differnt jetting.