99 SRX clutching


New member
Jan 9, 2012
sudbury, ontario
Good day All! I just purchased a 99 SRX700....i took my sled out for the first time this weekend and it ran great! I was looking at rebuilding my primary clutch and was wondering if anyone had any ideas, on the weights or anything else i should run in my sled to get the best performance out of her....I did notice that at wide-open i was hitting close to 9000 rpm. From other threads I've read so far today on this site, I should be in 8100-8300 rpm range. Is that correct? Anything else you guys can recommend? Thanks for all your help and hope everyone has a great winter!!
what weights do you have in the clutch now????Usually your wot rom should be around 8500 rpms..launch rpms around 8200 and climbing to 8500 on good hard pack.You can add 4.5 gram to tip of weight if you only have 3.6g in it now.Usually guys run with 8dn-10 weight fully loaded(4.5 g each whole)can put in a w-w-w primary spring and green spring at 70 wrap in secondary.On a warmer day a 51/43 helix may be beneficial otherwise just use you stock 47 helix.Should get you very close.

PS:you are losing power revving to 9000...
it will be 8dn-10 but they put a spring with to mutch total force from factory ....
