Trailboss 03 Viper
New member
Does anyone know where I can find black or blue headlight covers? I'm also looking for a blue snow flap.Thanks.
I just bought some from this place they only have black left that I see.
I don't want to turn this into a debate, but, Please do not run any sled with a light cover. Your head light is there to allow people to see you also.. There are enough accidents on the trail, and if you had an accident due to someone not seeing your headlight, it could be tragic. The looks do not outweigh the impact. Al
New member
i just bought a blue flap from howard haack on ebay hhperformancellc. thay were fantastic to deal with and it was new in the package about 55.00 bucks or so?
There was a set of blue headlight covers on my viper when I bought it. They are very dangerous for night riding, I almost hit a moose riding at night couldn't see him standing in the trail not evem 50 yards away ans he wasn't moving. I won't ever ride with them again.
New member
Check your state laws as well. They are illegal in some states. I know they are here in MI.
not very good for night, but i dont see the problem for during the day, ive met lots of people on trail with colored lenses during the day, they were still pretty visible to me, not dangerouse in my mind. Not sure about black, but red or blue ones ive seen were ok though. mine didnt take long to get scratched alot and look lit sh***t from me using them during the day and then it would start getting dark and id stick em in my trunk or something.