780 powervalve compatability


Active member
Jul 1, 2005
Boscobel, wi
Hey guys. I recently brought my 780 into the shop for some work and i found one powervalve that is nearly pulled through. I'm sending it to rich to get fixed but in the mean time i would like to put the sled back together. I have a complete spare 780 kit here and i was wondering if i could just snag a valve from that kit. I was comparing them and it seems as if the angle of the bevel is slightly steeper on my valve than the other kit's valves. Would this make a performance difference in the one cylinder if i used this valve or would it not matter at all? Thanks guys
I could but i was hoping to just stick one in until mine comes back and then swap them out again. I also didn't know if using the other valves as a set of three would change the performance at all as compared to the valves that are currently in it.
