Running out of things to do.

yep just kicking around.... waiting for a big snowstorm to hit... tic. tic. tic. tic... any day now... look at sled... nope nuttin needs to be done.. all ready... look at computer... sigh... i feel for ya man.. hopfully soon...
ottawaair said:
You guys waiting for snow ? I'm so bored I just waxed my helmet. Literally. Get your mind out of the gutter !
you need to make that sled fast that will keep you busy.
well they say snow is coming,but I wouldn't hold my breath..think they lied to us again as usual.Same as a politician..say one thing and do another thing..makes no sense why these people exist in our lives..get a real job...earn your $$$.The more money I can save on gas for sleds the more ;):D;):D;):DI can get done
