bADa$$ SRX
New member
Hi guys, my '99 SRX 600 has been fouling plugs during warm up, i always let it warm up for about 5 mins before touching the throttle. It always seems to foul the middle cylinder, it fouled the mag side once or twice but never the pto side. Plugs are br9ecs. Dirty carbs? Bad gas? Bad plug boots? 

Clean the carburators, just beacuse you should clean them before the start of every season. Check the idle mix screw, perhaps idle mix is too rich.
VIP Member
My 700 did that all the time. Replaced all the plug caps and it fixed the fouling issue.
motorhead327 said:Replace all the plug caps and it fixed the fouling issue.
bADa$$ SRX
New member
alright thanks guys, would you just reccomend NGK ones or stock?
bADa$$ SRX said:alright thanks guys, would you just reccomend NGK ones or stock?
The stock plug caps that came on the 2002 SRXs are very high quality and I would recommend them.
New member
try full choke then half then off
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
X3. The resistors that are built into the caps go bad just like all electrical equipment does.Cut some wire off before ya thread the new ones on to ensure your into good fresh wire.sideshowBob said:x2...
bADa$$ SRX
New member
put some new ngk ones on and it seems to idle a little higher, will post back once we get snow tomorrow with how she ran....thanks