Srx 700 nor running right!!


New member
Jan 12, 2012
rochester ny
Hey guys, just got a 2000 Yamaha srx 700 and the guy said it sat for a while so i cleaned the power valves and carbs 2 times and the problem i have is when the joke is on it seems to run fine and rev up but when i take the choke of the rpms rise a little and it starts to sound like a rev limiter on a car.... i have no clue where to start so someone please help! thanks
sounds like a lean condition to me. if ......absolutley...... sure that the carbs are squeaky clean its possible you could have an air leak into the system.
i would also check your reed cages out. motors can do funky things if ya got worn out not sealing properly, or broken reed petals.

When you cleaned the carbs did you clean the idle circuit jet? the small jet with 4 small holes on the end inside a small aluminum casing, this jet has such a small hole and clogs up really easy, i use a bread tie wire to clean out this jet. If this jet isn't clean then it won't run w/o the choke. Make sure you have the airbox boots on correctly and strapped down.
yes i cleaned absolutely everything in the carbs twice lol but im thinking its the tors because the first time i cleaned the carbs it would only do the rev limiter thing after i revved it up to like 8000rpms and once it dropped down to idle, i revved it again and the limiter turned on. So the second time i took apart the carbs as soon as i started it the limiter turned on and it wont rev higher or anything. I think this is happening because i dont have the throttle adjusted right?
loosen up the adjuster for the throttle cable, you need some slack in it, too tight.
I have vipers. So someone with an SRX will probably chime in but on the Viper you need to make sure there is some play in the throttle cable. I think about 2mm worth of play. Meaning that when you push the throttle there's 2mm play before the cable starts pulling. On my Vipers there is a TORS (Throttle Override System) system which will limit the throttle to around 3000 rpm if activated. I don't know if your SRX has this because I'm not familiar with the SRXs but it almost sounds like it. On my vipers there's a switch in the middle and forward on the carb bank. I believe there's a switch in the throttle lever also. And If these have a disagreement then the TORS system activates causing you to never get above 3000 to 3500 rpm.

I would first adjust freeplay of throttle cable. 1-2mm (Slop in the cable before the cable starts to pull.

Then adjust oil cable gap. This is the cable going down to the oil pump just infront of the carb bank (seems to disappear down to the engine slightly fwd and right of the carb bank. Pull the rubber cover up then grab the upper part of the cable and pull up. This will cause a gap between the end of the cable and the housing it normally sits in. Measure this and adjust it so you have 20.5+-1mm.

Start engine

Next adjust Idle (while running w/out choke on) - adjustment screw near cent of carb bank aft ( you can use your fingers to turn it. And its knureled). Just adjust so the RPMs are around 1700-1800.

These are all viper engine numbers but I think they should be close if not the same as the SRX. I don't know if the SRX has a TORS system for yr 2000.

By the way did you verify or find out your jetting when you cleaned the carbs? You may want to make sure your jetted correctly for whatever altitude / temps your running in.

Hope this helps a little.
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guys have got to make sure you have slack in the throttle cable.This seems to be a big issue this season with sleds on here..that and motors not running right which is because guys just bought a sled and didn't clean the carbs.Since you say the carbs are clean,check the throttle cable at the carbs,cable can actually have a lot of slack and will still open carbs all the way when throttle lever is nailed.As a test..disconnect the two lines at the carb and plug them into each other and this bypass's TORS.Then run the motor again and see if anything changes.Eliminate 1 thing at a time..
Alright guys thanks for the reply's and looks like it was the tors just acting up i bypassed it and the sled runs great!
I would not keep the TORS bypassed. Last guy who did that had a sled run away from him and total itself. It's not that hard of a system to troubleshoot and fix.

Did you check it after you reset the throttle cable? Throttle cable slack is usually the issue.
