Viper pre filter ??

I have one but havent really had a chance to put it to "good" use (lack of good snow). The material is the same as all the other pre-filters outthere so the theroy behind it is solid. I know if you keep doing a search there are a few guys on TY that have had them or used them in the past and swear it helps with the powder bog problem.
brother has some in the forced snow ingestion on his viper and they really help when playing in the powder. have to order another one for my dads as i lost the 1st one before i could install it.
I just saw i posted for the forced air filters, i wanted to know about the one that goes on the air box. Sorry about that guys, my bad. But i was out on the trails friday and saw that my air box filter was almost all wet. Just wanted to know how the pre filter have worked for people on here. Thanks for the input guys!
I've got one, but dont use it unless I need restricts the airflow just enough to make it bog on the bottom end.
MountainRx1 said:
I've got one, but dont use it unless I need restricts the airflow just enough to make it bog on the bottom end.

well now idk if im going to get one, i usually just trail ride and sometimes go off trail to play. Would that hurt running it with a piped viper because of the air flow??
