01' srx. Carbs clean, p.valves clean. Air mixture screws 1 and a quarter turns out from seat. Any input? Thinking bad gas but also thinking I should switch to sx 700 feul pump. Could reeds be messed up? How do I check for pv pull through?

check plugs and plug caps....or rub thru wire somewhere
You think it would only miss @ 3/4 throttle and on with a bad cap? I will check

anything is possible.Have to eliminate 1 thing at a time...
New member
A damaged power valve (cable pull through) or even stuck power valves will not cause the engine to misfire. You will lose power only. I rode for at least 500 miles on my 00 SRX 700 with 2 damaged power valves and it ran fine, little low on power but ran fine.
When is the last time you cleaned the carbs?
How many miles on the plugs? Have you tried a new set of plugs?
Check the connections to the ignition coils, you could unplug them and replug them. Check them for corrosion.
Have you checked the main wiring harness which runs under the engine for the notorious "rub through" which causes an electrical short, often an intermitent short?
When is the last time you cleaned the carbs?
How many miles on the plugs? Have you tried a new set of plugs?
Check the connections to the ignition coils, you could unplug them and replug them. Check them for corrosion.
Have you checked the main wiring harness which runs under the engine for the notorious "rub through" which causes an electrical short, often an intermitent short?
yami lover
New member
hi i have a 04 viper and it had a weird miss like that it was actualy the stator magnet the wire had cracked and was only getting a conection every so often i would take the stator out and give a gental tug on the wires if its like mine a baby could pull the wire apart let me no what happens