So I finally got to take my sled out for a ride tonight!! Damn it feels good!!
lol But any who I left my garage with a half tank and rode 6 miles and burnt up over a quarter tank!! I did have to be the trail buster and had make to make em but is whats a average mpg with an srx? my sled is stock besides boysen reeds and a bender can. I'm just kinda shocked on bad it drinks gas!

Assuming the gas was old and you were wide open for a few miles?
New member
The gauge can be quite misleading.I would fill it up re-set your trip meter and take your mileage when you fill it and see where you are.Mine stays on full for quite a while and then drops rather quickly.
New member
As Swede said, don't rely on the gas gauge, it is highly inaccurate and does not respond in a linear way to the volume of gas in the tank. The only accurate way to determine gas mileage is to fill it up, go for a long ride, almost a tank's worth of riding and then refill it. I get as much as 15 mpg on my 2000 SRX (completely stock) while on long, saddlebag trips with open streches of cruising. I find the gas mileage varies a large amount depending on conditions and the type of trails/riding style.
Thanks for the input! I just filled her up with fresh 93 so hopefully it will do better! if not its be expensive riding but well worth it! lol 

New member
Unless something is wrong with your sled I imagine your mileage is better than you realize.