700trail runner
New member
I have a 2001 srx 700 with orginal 650 miles on it.(yes its like new-new in 04 then not rode) (picked it up last spring) Today was first ride. Long story short is after riding for 20 min with no problems I opened it wide open and at 7200-7500 rpms it just shut down as if I hit the kill switch. after 2min of WTF. I pulled it over and strarted right up idled fine. took off not more then 100ft 5500-6000 it shutdown. I started it up within 30-40 seconds and rode it back home slow. 10-15 mph 4500-5000 tops. 3 new plugs were in. carbs clean. one thing to note is it seems to have a misfire randomly at idle and would not pull 8500 rpm it should. not sur if this is related or not. This is a very clean sled with only 650miles on it what really could be bad.(the wires/connectors all look like new) I know it has done alot of sitting and not running since 2004. any ideas Thanks
Disconnect the TORS and plug the cables into each other.

doesn't sound like a tors problem to me. sounds more like something grounding out the ignition system. maybe had some mouse guests over the years?
are you sure the little top hat screens got removed and cleaned under the float needle ....if you let off the gas fast enough will it catch itself

YA*AM*A*HEAD said:are you sure the little top hat screens got removed and cleaned under the float needle ....if you let off the gas fast enough will it catch itself
good point Rich. could be running out of fuel on hard pulls.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
X3 on the running out of gas. If "tophats" check out than look at pulse line to pump. If its cracked it wont suck/pump like it should
Have you put a handlebar riser on it or anything?
staggs65 said:doesn't sound like a tors problem to me. sounds more like something grounding out the ignition system. maybe had some mouse guests over the years?
My TORS acted up only when I would hold it wide open. Would be on trails all day no problem but when I gave it, faulty TORS woukld kick in. Could be carbs as well. Would isolate both and go from there.

could just be the way he's describing it but the tors shouldnt completely shut off the engineSRX_700 said:My TORS acted up only when I would hold it wide open. Would be on trails all day no problem but when I gave it, faulty TORS woukld kick in. Could be carbs as well. Would isolate both and go from there.
700trail runner
New member
I checked all of the wiring and connections on sunday. they all look like new. the only thing i could find was the maybe the ground under the servo for power valves. (it was tight with surface corrosion cleand and put it back) I don't belive it to be the tors-from past exp(2000 srx after letting go of gas quikly then on the brake after a wot run it would not rev higher then a 3000. much like a ski-doo with the wrong dess teather installed. that was a tors problem. bad carb switch.) About the carbs no the needles were not removed. I will look into this. I didn't know about any sreens. but again it just shut down and never came back. just didn't seem to be carb related the time? thanks for all the input

if one or more of the needle valves are sticking and even the umbrella type screens are plugged..you are not filling the float bowls continuously. When you remove carbs ..drain each float bowl separately and see how much fuel is in each bowl..that could be a sign if 1 bowl has more in it..