New member
yes, 1 yr only sled, 1998
New member
any major problems with them?
I would find a better mount for the PV motor.
New member
yeah i agree i was just browsing cl and found this didn't know they made a srx mt max
With the longer pv cables you can relocate to same mount on 99-02
i would try to find an airbox for it too, if you get it.
New member
I saw that sled also on craigslist.I thought it was to much money,the wiseco pistons,air box are a turn off.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
There was apost a while back. Poster was asking what his 98 mtn srx was worth. I think he was going to trade for a saab for his kid to drive. If I remember correctly he ended up selling it for 3,000
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Post I was talking about. Started by OZ.
Post I was talking about. Started by OZ.
Yes the is too high of a price for that sled.Its only about 10 minutes from me.