Viper clutch problem/ question ?


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2011
Muskegon Michigan
I finally got to try my 02 Viper project around the yard. Everything seems good except, it seems like the clutch doesn't want to engage at the proper rpm from a dead stop. After it's moving I can coast to nearly a stop and it seems to engage right around 3900-4000 rpm. The primary was diassembled and cleaned at the dealer when I had them install new sliders on the spider. It has a new y-w-y (stock) primary spring. I didn't have them replace that inner bushing when it was apart and I'm wondering if it was causing it to kind of stick just prior to initial engagement. The only reason I suspect this is I ran the enging with the belt off prior to removing the clutch and it seems to not engage smooth and it would go all the way out with a pop as it returned to idle. I thought maybe it was dirty and maybe the plastic sliders on the spider were worn, but now I'm wondering about that bushing.
What do you guys think?? Should I tear it off and have that bushing replaced or run it a little bit and see if it doesn't free up?
Thanks Guys
It's high. It will rev up to like 5500 or so then it will catch and take off. After that I can let off it and come to an idle and nearly a stop and give it gas it will engage at about 4000 rpm. It's like its sticking prior to first engagement. It's kind of what I saw when the belt was off.(prior to having clutch cleaned and sliders replaced) As rpms came up the clutch would start closing with a jump then move smoothly and as the rpms returned to idle the clutch would open normally and at that last little bit it would pop open with an audible popping noise. The clutch is clean and everything else moves freely. he only thing I can think of is that bushing between the 2 sheeves being worn. Gil
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I know it's my fault. Murphy's law you know, LOL. Now I have to pull the clutch and pay to have the spider pulled again so I can replace a $20 bushing that could've been done when they cleaned it and replaced the sliders. Gil
huh. ive never delt with anything like this before. good possibility the bushing could be crapping out. they didnt use any lubricants on the clutch did they? as this would cause a temp problem? otherwise i would have to agree something is sticking. weather ti be weight bushings or the main clutch bushing. if it engauged where it should before the cleaning.
I'm thinking it's the bushing that the moveable sheeve slides on sticking. After it was cleaned the wights flopped around in there freely before I put it back on. It's like after it initially gets past that sticking point it works freely until it goes completely open. The bushing must be worn on that little edge where it first starts onto the sleeve it slides on. All I know is there goes another $100. I think I got the Harley Davidson of sleds. You know H-D stands for Hundred Dollars, LOL!!
chances are high that it is the sliding sheave bushing. while in there might as well have the bushing in the cover replaced. yup toys = $. addictions u got to love em.
