Okay a friend has a 98 srx 700 with spider cracks in the stationary sheave. I have a extra clutch from a 97 sx600 are the sheaves interchangeable? The part numbers for the sheaves are the same. If yes then what else would be? What would be the easiest route to take? any advice is apprieciated.
New member
I think you would be ok the only difference to my knowledge is the the tall cover on the srx and the sx would be a short cover.Everything else should interchange you just can't mix short cover and tall cover springs so keep that stuff straight.Hopefully somebody else will chime in if I'm missing something.
Yes I have done that before just make shure you stick with the tall cover.
That's what I thought. Thanks guys
Active member
okay so this is a used sled my friend bought. Started digging and the cover was a short one. It had a long spring in it. Is this somebodies idea of a clutch kit? It is a 98 srx700 posta be a long spring cover right? grrrrrrrrr
captnviper said:okay so this is a used sled my friend bought. Started digging and the cover was a short one. It had a long spring in it. Is this somebodies idea of a clutch kit? It is a 98 srx700 posta be a long spring cover right? grrrrrrrrr
ya nice one, wouldnt be suprised if the primary spring goes into full coil bind at wot, love when people fix things right up the wrong way.....

change the cover out and you should be fine