2002 Viper: Head Bolt Pulled Out.


Feb 5, 2011
oshawa, ontario
Was On The Lake Yesterday. First Time Out. Still No Snow. Anyway, Was Riding When Smoke Starting Billowing Out From Under Hood. Opened Hood And One Of The Head Bolts Had Come Out. It's My First Machine And Need To Remove Head To Have Cylinder Drilled Out And Heli Coiled. Do I Just Remove Head Bolts And Remove Head. Is There Anything I Need To Know Before I Do This. Thanks.

drain your coolant first so you dont get antifreeze in the engine. after you pull the head stick some rags in the cyls to keep any crap out. also cant say for sure without going to check one of my junk cyls but not sure how much material is there for a helicoil.
staggs65 said:
drain your coolant first so you dont get antifreeze in the engine. after you pull the head stick some rags in the cyls to keep any crap out. also cant say for sure without going to check one of my junk cyls but not sure how much material is there for a helicoil.
THANKS staggs65. It appeared like coolant was comeing out of bolt hole, it was all over engine, or do you think it was leaking between cylinder and head because of bolt being missing. Thanks for any info.
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If just 1 head bolt is stripped out, depending on which one it is, you can just repair it while still on the sled. I just use grease on the drill bit so it cathces most all the aluminum,drill slowly. Same thing with tap, apply grease to sides and will capture the chips.
If it is the end bolts, meaning the very ends of the head,left,right, you will need to remove the head to repair right because there is a guide sleeve on the ends otherwise youll likely mess it up drilling it with drill bit and tap for the helicoil.These end holes as do the center holes all use a longer headbolt then the rest, and its easy to strip out if someone didnt pay attention when reassembling it.
In the pic I showed you(red circles) which ones are set deeper and use the longer headbolt, its for the guide sleevs, which are only used on the outer most left and right ends.


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mrviper700 said:
If just 1 head bolt is stripped out, depending on which one it is, you can just repair it while still on the sled. I just use grease on the drill bit so it cathces most all the aluminum,drill slowly. Same thing with tap, apply grease to sides and will capture the chips.
If it is the end bolts, meaning the very ends of the head,left,right, you will need to remove the head to repair right because there is a guide sleeve on the ends otherwise youll likely mess it up drilling it with drill bit and tap for the helicoil.These end holes as do the center holes all use a longer headbolt then the rest, and its easy to strip out if someone didnt pay attention when reassembling it.
In the pic I showed you(red circles) which ones are set deeper and use the longer headbolt, its for the guide sleevs, which are only used on the outer most left and right ends.

mrviper, you are by far the "man" of this site. im sure nobody else would get into details as far as you do with using pictures and the extensive knowledge you have! great post! ;)!
Is it stripped or was it never tighten and vibrated loose?Did you try tightening it?If its stripped MrViper's idea is the way to go.
mrviper700 said:
If just 1 head bolt is stripped out, depending on which one it is, you can just repair it while still on the sled. I just use grease on the drill bit so it cathces most all the aluminum,drill slowly. Same thing with tap, apply grease to sides and will capture the chips.
If it is the end bolts, meaning the very ends of the head,left,right, you will need to remove the head to repair right because there is a guide sleeve on the ends otherwise youll likely mess it up drilling it with drill bit and tap for the helicoil.These end holes as do the center holes all use a longer headbolt then the rest, and its easy to strip out if someone didnt pay attention when reassembling it.
In the pic I showed you(red circles) which ones are set deeper and use the longer headbolt, its for the guide sleevs, which are only used on the outer most left and right ends.
Thanks MR. Viper. There's just one stripped. It's not an end bolt so i'll give it a try. On the bolt that came out, there were threads from cylinder on bolt that you could turn and they came off in one piece. Would threads from cylinder pull out like this or do you think there could have been a heli coil in there already. Thanks for the help. Great site.
you would know it if it was a heli coil. that came out. they are a steel spring essentially. and actually very strong when installed properly. if the shaving stuck to the bolt was aluminum then it was definitly threads from the cylinder that stripped out and stuck to the bolt.
andrew k said:
you would know it if it was a heli coil. that came out. they are a steel spring essentially. and actually very strong when installed properly. if the shaving stuck to the bolt was aluminum then it was definitly threads from the cylinder that stripped out and stuck to the bolt.
I think it was a heli coil then. I can turn the threads from cylinder off of the bolt in one piece, it's about an inch long and it looks like a spring. Maybe i can just put a new heli coil in. What do you think. Thanks for any info.
