Viper bogs when taking off?


New member
Dec 7, 2009
I have an 04 viper S with trpple pipes. I took the carbs out they looked clean compared to last year. I used Lucas fuel ethanol treatment. I only cleand the mains, pilots because everything looked good nothing in the bowls at all. It started right up but it did seem to idle lower than last year around 1500rpm. I then took it around the yard It would bog as soon as I would punch the throttle after I punched it again it would take off but when I let go to stop the idle stayed high and kept trying to turn the track for a couple of seconds then the idle would come back down any words of wisdom? Oh yeah the warning light ended up coming on right before I put it back in the garage. Any help would be great wanted to go riding this weekend.
have same problem right now , recheck pilots, mine were clean then plugged up from old gas..... draining tank tonight and reassemble
could be the t.p.s. disconnect and see if it is better. probaly wont be perfect but if better, then u may need updated t.p.s. note: warning light will stay flashing with it disconnected. sideshowbob proved that the original t.p.s. were suspect hence the updates. alot of problems could be caused by this issue. may be intermittent also.
What are your fuel screws set at? Stock is 1 7/8 turns out but the Viper seem to like them at 2 turns out. Also, like was stated, make sure the pilots are really clean. Should see a nice round hole when holding them up to a light.Air leaks around carb boots?
what does fuel screws have to do with engine that races that races that much? unsteady idle maybe. note of interest: fuel does not flow physically past those those "fuel screws". they adjust the amount of venting that is applied to the pilot circuit. noticed that looking at a yamaha manual.
davidgboy said:
what does fuel screws have to do with engine that races that races that much? unsteady idle maybe. note of interest: fuel does not flow physically past those those "fuel screws". they adjust the amount of venting that is applied to the pilot circuit. noticed that looking at a yamaha manual.

What, dude really. If you have a idle hang the cure is to turn out the fuel screws a touch from stock 1 7/8 to like 2 2 1/4. So he does know what he's talking about when he makes that sugestion. Im not being rude but you really need to watch what your posting and to who.
Open the fuel screws another 1/4 turn and your bog off idle will be gone, been there done that
why would fuel screw adjustment make it race to the point that the clutch engages? 4000 r.p.m. or so that seems like more than an idle hang from pilot circuit too lean.
davidgboy said:
why would fuel screw adjustment make it race to the point that the clutch engages? 4000 r.p.m. or so that seems like more than an idle hang from pilot circuit too lean.
The fuel screw adjusts the fuel mixture, a leaner screw setting will cause a lean condition, a lean condition will cause the rpms to be higher.
i realize that but that much of an increase does not seem likely. a hang of 2500 maybe 3000 tops i will buy. i adjusted mine from just under 2 turns out to about 21/4 and didnt cure problem. pilots are perfectly clean. had to disconnect t.p.s. wont know real score til t.p.s is replaced with update.
Absolutely sure you got the boots back on without any folds? To go that lean it must be sucking some major air somewhere...
Not going to get into a big discussion about this. The original poster needs help with his sled. he was pretty vague about cleaning his carbs and where everything is set at. Usually how things work around here is everyone throws what they think it could be or suggests things to try. Air leaks, TPS, carb settings etc...etc. All good suggestions in my opinion. When I posted about the fuel screws, I don't recall saying " IT IS THE FUEL SCREWS, AND EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG! HAH!!" it was merely a suggestion. I understand how fuel screws work. I know what they do to the Viper and I know, turning them out 2 turns helped my idle hang. It is something to try, that's all.
Let's try not to bash people for merely suggesting something. Everyone on here can learn something from someone else.
Also, like Mod said, check your airbox boots. make sure they're seated on the carbs. Like WIsnoRyder said, Check your reeds.
There,..Happy Tuesday.
Just my .02.
now... :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
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my sled does act like it is sucking extra air, but everything is tight. acted alot better with t.p.s. disconnected. might be more than one thing. i agree that pilot screw adjustment can help with idle hang. but reving up to where clutch engages seems like more than idle hang. could be wrong i realize. not trying to be an a$$wipe. could come naturally i suppose. fjviper is that your kid in the picture? looks like a cute little hell on wheels. nice
No problem David (hope that's your name) Yeah, that's my boy. That pic was taken quite a few years ago. He's 9 now. Loves dirtbikes, snowmobiles and........ surprise, surprise, video games. Smart kid with manners and a good head on his shoulders.
Did you disconnect your TPS or your TORS? on your sled?
Hopefully timd will let us know how he made out on his sled. May help someone else down the road with the same problem.
hey fj, ya disconnected t.p.s. behaved better. obviously without any t.p.s. at all will not be what it should be overall. bypassed t.o.r.s. i know not the smartest thing anyone has ever done. i t just seems the chances of slides not returning is so slim. actually that sucker came loose on me. the screw with the nut that is supposed to stay locked came loose. went to tighten it, did not realize it was left hand thread. dropped the nut lower spring and the 2 tiny washers. u guessed it they fell under engine. went to salvage place to remedy. later found out that throttle cable bracket was loose. i replaced the small philips head screw on bracket with an allen head . much easier to tighten. the other larger screw i was able to tighten o.k. always something. see what happens with updated t.p.s. oh glad to hear your son has good manners. maybe he could teach me some. lol
I tried disco the tps but it didn't help. I took the power valves off and they where caked with carbon. It seem to have fixed the idiling when I come to a stop but I still have that bog when I punch it
FJViper said:
Not going to get into a big discussion about this. The original poster needs help with his sled. he was pretty vague about cleaning his carbs and where everything is set at. Usually how things work around here is everyone throws what they think it could be or suggests things to try. Air leaks, TPS, carb settings etc...etc. All good suggestions in my opinion. When I posted about the fuel screws, I don't recall saying " IT IS THE FUEL SCREWS, AND EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG! HAH!!" it was merely a suggestion. I understand how fuel screws work. I know what they do to the Viper and I know, turning them out 2 turns helped my idle hang. It is something to try, that's all.
Let's try not to bash people for merely suggesting something. Everyone on here can learn something from someone else.
Also, like Mod said, check your airbox boots. make sure they're seated on the carbs. Like WIsnoRyder said, Check your reeds.
There,..Happy Tuesday.
Just my .02.
now... :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
agreed. suggestions open up possibilites and spark new ideas hence the reason for this great forum...i cant count how many times ive been wrong but what is boils down too is trying to help out your fellow sledders makes it worth it in the end. ;)!
timd222002 said:
I tried disco the tps but it didn't help. I took the power valves off and they where caked with carbon. It seem to have fixed the idiling when I come to a stop but I still have that bog when I punch it
what rpm is it engauging when you throttle it from a stop?
