Water Pump Seal


Lifetime VIP Member
Nov 13, 2010
On my rebuild I was about to replace the water pump oil seal. However, I didn't realize that the mechanical seal just in front of it is a little bugger. The 04 mtn viper I'm rebuilding has about 1700 miles on it. Should I just scrap the idea of replacing that oil seal and leave it alone? I think if I try to take out the mechanical seal I'll probably need to replace it because the only place to pry it from is probably going to get bent up.

Any ideas on this? Maybe there's a better way to take it out then pry it out with two screwdrivers?
you will end up destroying the mechanical seal for sure..it is a tough one to remove.


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Is it correct to say after you pull the mechanical out and destroy it, you just slip the oil seal out. Then put the new oil seal in, followed by tapping the mechanical seal in? Do you think it's worth the trouble with 1700 miles on it?
Feels nice and tight when I rotate it. Rubber tight not metal tight. Thanks for the pics!
Newbee said:
Is it correct to say after you pull the mechanical out and destroy it, you just slip the oil seal out. Then put the new oil seal in, followed by tapping the mechanical seal in? Do you think it's worth the trouble with 1700 miles on it?
did mine with 12,000 km's on it.You should still be good I would say unless you see something leaking out.
if I remember ..think I tried drilling a hole thru it so I could get some kind of a hook on it to pull it.Come to think of it..it was a b*tch to remove also.
I didn't see anything leaking. I think I'll leave it in unless my conscious gets the best of me.

