I just put a brand new oil pump in a fresh SRX700. I mixed the oil 50:1 in the tank all day. I rode 280 miles and the oil in the oil tank only went down 30 ounces. The cable is adjusted to 1 inch per the manual. Is this OK????? Sound like the pump is not pumping enough.
How many gallons of gas did you burn?
I think the adjustment is supposed to be 20-22mm at 1" you are 25.4mm which is leaner then the stock setting.
I am not sure how many gallons we burned. I need to double check my adjustment.
New member
did you bleed the oil pump during assembly ? It may have been air locked & not pumping for a while. ?
Yes. I ran it on the premix in the garage until oil cam out at the fuel pump.
New member
You will have to take the bleed screw out on oil pump it's self to bleed system now you have a air lock from fuel pump to the oil pump . Don't mean to hyjack but is the viper oil adjustment the same as the srx 20-22 mm
New member
sounds pretty lean. good thing u ran premix also. lets say u were getting 14 m.p.g. thats 20 gals. of gas. so thats about 1.5 oz. of oil/gal. at 50:1 u would use around 2.5 oz./gal. so that would be about 50 ozs. there is that check valve in the line. not sure if they are ever an issue or not. any disparity in your cable adjustment does not seem like it would account for the difference in the amount of oil used and what it probaly should use. not really sure just what would be considered a normal amount for that many miles. your feeling of not enough oil being used would seem justified though.
New member
yes there is that bleed screw. it is located just to the left of the center carb. it is a hex head/philips head. oil should come out when u remove it even without engine running. if not leave it off until it does. i am pretty sure it should bleed by itself if need be. can always pull cord with ignition off.
I just checked my cable adjustment and its .810 thou or 21mm
New member
u would think it would be fine like that with new pump that is bled o.k. it would seem like u have a partial obstruction. u could run it on premix,(plenty of oil) disconnect oil line from check valve on oil pump side, count drops of oil or somehow measure amount in given amount of time, at given r.p.m. then hook back line and dis. line from valve on fuel pump side, repeat meas. procedure, compare results. u would think they should be close. probaly not valve but assuming and troubleshooting never did mix well.
New member
note: manual says not to run without airbox. if u run premix at lets say 40:1 hard to believe u would hurt anything at 2000 r.p.m. should have decent amount of smoke if all is o.k.
Does anyone have a known good oil pump off an SRX and check valve they want to get rid of? HELP