phazer running issues


VIP Member
Jan 6, 2004
southeast washington state
88 phazer falls flat at around 5000 rpm, peaks at 5500.

before that and anything not wide open throttle its perky and seems to run great. put it under load for extended periods like uphill and it just flattens out.

carbs are clean and adjusted, plug color is good, tried several different secondary settings to no avail(both higher and lower pretension). havent done a compression test although both plugs look good(no wash read yet)

engagement is around 2500(low) full shift at or below 5500. what should i be looking at next? peak rpm is off by 1500 or so and the engagement is low. weak primary spring? by the way, both clutches are clean and wear parts are in good working order. i am stumped.

put a digital tach on it the stock tachs are horrible and slow to respond but sounds like you have clutching issues make sure you have the secondary set at the stock wind should be a b-2 setting i will double check the set up
thanks for the input. i actually tried several settings including b-2 and a-2 which led me to start thinking of perhaps a sacked primary spring(had 2 secondaries on hand, was just short of getting to the 3 hole but ran out of time)

shift out feels almost labored or flat once it shifts and then fails to gain any rpm. setting the secondary i could feel the difference before the shift, but the end results were the same. snappy around the block, no pull on the hills at wide open throttle, although no loss on the already low shift out rpm.

next weekend i will bring along another primary to play with, was looking for ideas prior. again, thanks for the input.
I would be looking at the primary. If you want to check it, mark the face of a sheave top to bottom with a permanent marker and see how far it is shifting out.

Primary spring could be a likely culprit, but check everything for wear while your are in there. Also verify center to center are correct as well as offset.

When you had the carbs apart are you 100% sure the plugs were put back in the correct spots in the bowl?
carbs were assembled with the plugs in the correct spot, to my knowledge, from the updated location per chart. carbs upside down, plugs would be on the left and center with the intake(airbox) side facing you, right hole unplugged. correct me if i am wrong.

clutches are clean, took two to make one so the wear parts are acceptable. spring condition unknown but i do have some others to throw at it somewhere, if i can find them.

did the marker thing already. no load(track off the ground) belt runs right up to where it should if not higher. loaded, its down a good inch so its not really reaching potential.

gearing is 17/29(i think) and it has 7t drivers, not the stock 8t.
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Muffler blocked? Air box blocked? (mouse nests)
Both throttle plates opening fully?
Do the compression test.
thanks for the input.

sled was built from boxes of parts along with a few donor sleds. airbox is unobstructed, assume same for pipe but will take another along to rule that out. carbs operate correctly short of a vaccuum synch but the butterflies were visually even. i do have a few more sets i could toss on.

bringing another clutch along as well as the compression tester. time will tell.
