bad luck wont stop....HELP


New member
Oct 26, 2011
well i look my sled out to test my Pv's two laps around my yard.....shot a stud through my front heat exchanger....pulled the skid and the track....sure enough one hole and lots of deep marks through it (must have been from previous owner when they broke a shock im guessing)

SO the big question looks like you have to pull the engine to get this bugger out? AM i better off finding a rolling sled or.....what ?? Thanks guys....
it is supposes to be one hell of a job to replace the front exchanger.....I know I wouldn't try it... maybe see if someone can do a weld job on it first,,,
Im with blue, see if you can find someone to weld it for ya. Then what size studs are you running that you caught the exchanger? And dont get down, i had to get my buddies welded after i put a drill bit through it putting on the front protectors LOL! would be hard to weld. you need it dry. I guess you could dry it out and heat it dry....but is it worth it?
schwanysrx700 said:
well i look my sled out to test my Pv's two laps around my yard.....shot a stud through my front heat exchanger....pulled the skid and the track....sure enough one hole and lots of deep marks through it (must have been from previous owner when they broke a shock im guessing)

SO the big question looks like you have to pull the engine to get this bugger out? AM i better off finding a rolling sled or.....what ?? Thanks guys....

yes, you have to pull engine and steering post and then its usually easier to throw a hand grenade under the hood and step back, then just use a shop vac to remove the old!! :hide:

seriously, I weld them all the time when they come in for repair, wash out the cooling system as best you can with soapy water, then remove the hood, stand the sled up on the front bumper and lean it against the wall( will take 2 guys to do it). take a mapp gas torch and heat the area very well, this will do 2 things, 1 dry out any water left and 2. preheat the aluminum so tig torch doesnt have to do all the work, get it smoking hot!!. Tig weld it up and put sled back together, alot easier then changing 1 out believe me, its a #$%&* BIG job!
i recently bought a used sxr600 for $400. it had a beat up front heat exchanger. looked really nasty. local dealer quoted the guy $1200. to put in new one. i took out the track & skid, flushed the cooling system w/ water & took it to a local fab shop. charged me $85. to weld & pressure test it. put in a 1" hacksaw w/ megabites, freshened the rear suspension, had bruce @ pioneer revalve the shocks, put on a set of bender pipes i had laying around & installed a used reverse kit i bought for $25. i now have a 120 h.p. triple that rides great looks good, all for around $1,000. moral of the story....fix it!!
when you guys say flush with soapy water, do you mean just dump water down the antifreeze tank and let it pour out of the whole?
I usually will just pop off the hoses at the side heat exchangers and run the hose thru there, wont hurt if you add a couple drips of dawn dishwashing liquid in it and wash it out good.

I forgot to say but sure you know, you have to have the front skis off to stand it up on the front bumper but it makes it nice to weld and easy to do with a little help from your friends.

then really all you have to do is put skis back on, hood,rear suspension and track , fill up with coolant,and your riding again.
will it hurt anything if i just put the water right into the antifreeze container and let it run though till it come out, im going to have my brother weld it this weekend. It looks like the track loosened up thats how the studs grazed the heat exchanger so bad.
Can you access the inlet/outlet hoses for that exchanger? If yes you could rig yourhose to flush anti freeze out then use "gentle" air pressure to push water out for welding.Breathing steam/fumes from anti freeze is TOXIC. What ever water you put in the system you will have to get out for refill of antifreeze
i was just wondering if it was fine to run it thought without taking off the hoses, i do not have a hose i can run though with water, but thanks, welding tomorrow
you dont have a garden hose????, come on.....

I sometimes just dont get it, guys ask for help then they dont want to do what you tell them to do to help them!! :o| ,
if you dont wash it out you wont get a weld to hold. period!!!

antifreeze will go right to the weld and contaminate it...

good luck :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o|
Whats that old saying "you can lead a horse to the gardenhose but cant make it drink" I would imagine once its on its bumper you could pour water from a bucket or any type container. A funnel would be handy, prolly less of a mess.
Them garden hoses are extinct these days!
Might want to check the shed or garage as most people put them away for the winter so they don't freeze.
...sorry, couldn't resist!
thanks you guys, all very wonderful, let be real everyone here is amazing but in Wi right now its negative 3 my hose would be froze if i had one! I was simply asking if there was another way so i dont have to run out and buy an adapter to hook up the the sink being a broke college student but thanks!
