What should the RPMs be for a stock SRX on a WOT run?
What year SRX?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
98-99 = 8350, 00,01,02 = 8500 I do beleive
yepDevilin AblueDress! said:98-99 = 8350, 00,01,02 = 8500 I do beleive

Its a 98...
Thanks guys!
Thanks guys!
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Its crazy the stuff that get stuck between my ears!
I bought a used SRX this fall and was running it on the lake this last weekend. I cracked on it and got going and looked down and it was running almost 9. I thought that was a little odd... Not sure if it is geared or clutched. I'll dig into it this weekend maybe...
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I would be looking into clucthes first, weak spring or too light in the tip? Good idea to open the chain case up and see if there is lube or goop in there!