SRX -Single to Dual Bulb Conversion


Nov 11, 2003
I have done some searching but can't seem to find a detailed log of what is needed to convert a single headlight srx to a dual bulb setup. Can any provide some details on what is needed to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance!
Quite a bit, actually

To do it properly you need wiring harness, CDI box, flywheel, stator, headlight (obviously) and some welding in the case to move the pick up mounting location. Don Pizor did the welding in the case for me for the pick up relocation.

^^^^ X2
That's how you do the full like stock conversion.

To do the poor man's conversion you need:
- the dual head lite
-dual head lite hood cowl[black peace that windshield attaches to]
-two 35 watt headlite bulbs from a Raptor I believe[I know the 1985 FZ600 street bike used these as well with dual headlites] -

!!!!CAUTION!!!!...the lite bulbs must be NO MORE then 35 watts each or the combination will overwhelm the electrical system!!!

-an extra bulb wiring connector and just wire it in with the exixting headlite connector

Your headlites would probably be no more effective then the stock single bulb but you would get the two headlite late model SRX look.

That's just how I would do each their own.

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In addition to either the "Quite a bit" version or the "Poor man's" version above, I'm 99% sure that the windshield is cut differently for the dual bulb headlight compared to the single bulb headlight, so add that to the parts list as well.
Yes the windshields are quite different, also the 35 watt bulbs are about the same brightness as the stock single but they provide a wider angle of light instead of narrow tunnel.
musselman said:
Yes the windshields are quite different, also the 35 watt bulbs are about the same brightness as the stock single but they provide a wider angle of light instead of narrow tunnel.
x2 the dual bulb headlight has a better reflector and clear lense which put more light where you need it.
