7 flashes from coolant light, YPVS??


New member
Jan 18, 2012
southeast WI
Hows it goin guys, new member here...
I ride a 98 yamaha srx 700
Motor was built about 1200 miles ago with the
welded crank, ported jugs, vforce reeds, etc. etc
Hauck clutching, an inch ripsaw with 144 studs.
pretty average sled tho.

I sunk her last week on the river, right through the ice.
She sat down there for about a half hour before i could get it out.
Went through everything and thought it was all good, but today
i noticed the coolant light blinking 7 times consistantly.

I couldnt find any info in the manual on the codes or online.
Only article was for a sx viper, which said it was the
YPVS servo motor is locked or open circut.

I was wondering if anyone can verify this??
Goin Like a snot now man! Sorry to steal your thread srxman98, Did ya find the problem with your Servo?. Yeah so I Changed the helix to the 51/43 again with the silver at 80 and pull like a freight train, a little faster too with the 21/40 gearing. Still not fast enough though! Toping out at 155 now Reving 8200 Wot climbs to 84/8500 Lakes too bumpy to really have a good look down !
No worries, Thanks for the response, just wanted to narrow it down to the pvs serovo and start working from there. Im sure the servo had water in it and froze . Im still killing myself for sinking it, but gotta get over it, just needs a new headlight bulb and a tach and the seats in the basement drying out, with a fan.......for the next few days.
only pictures i got, with my 87 indy 600



lol id say wabush lake is a snocross track with the weather we have been havin. hey srxman, throw your sled in a heated garage for a few days , let her dry out! sinkin sleds is never fun, i sunk my vmax 4 a couple years back and decided not to haul her apart. instead, me and kirk700srx would boil, yes BOIL some oil in a pot and put down through each cylinder! oddly enough i would get a day out of it lol
checked all the connections and cant get any movement out of the motor, so i gona assume ill just have to find another one
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I have one,actually I have like 4 or 5 lol. Ill see how much shipping is to you. Give me your address and ill check it out. Whatever the cost of shipping is the price you pay!
