Viper is a 136" x 1" ripsaw picked down the middle, bender clutch, v force 3 reeds. The polaris is 121" x 1" ripsaw picked down the middle with a rider that is 80lbs lighter
New member
remember there not a 700 they are a 740 they work good.if your set up good and can leave with him you should have better legs.
Ran them 3 times today. All 3 times I had him out of the gate and was about a 30 yard lead at about 1000' and stayed there all the way across the lake.
New member
The viper will beat almost any sled off the line.
We swapped sleds on the lake this week and I think he is afraid to squeeze it all the way. It is definately faster than my viper. But ya the viper is a lot better off the line
New member
Nooo balls! open er all the way up you can't be afraid haha.