New member
Good morning everyone, Had a little trouble last night with the ol srx and loking for some advise. my center cylinder is no longer firing. It has correct compression, carbs are clean and its getting air. went on a 200 mi trip with it 3 weeks ago and had zero issues. when i pull the plug and check for spark it has good spark when when grounding to the block. after i reinstall my plug how ever if i grab the plug cable, im getting shocked through my glove. its not like this on the other 2. so is my problem my wire? coil? or am i in the wrong place all together?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Replace the spark plug wire cap. Try another plug too? I've had plugs that fire all day long on the side of the block but once in the cylinder under compression, they wouldn't.
Is the plug getting wet with gas? If so I would say that cylinder could be flooded. Take the plugs out and pull it over to be sure it's not full of gas. Try a new plug or switch between cylinders if you don't have a spare handy. Take the plug cap off and cut 1/4" off the wire and screw back on.
If plug is not wet with gas, I would check that carb again and see if it has gas in the bowl when you open it up.
If plug is not wet with gas, I would check that carb again and see if it has gas in the bowl when you open it up.
Also ohm out the plug cap when you have it off and be sure it is within spec.
New member
i have replaced the plugs and i know theres gas because the plug is soaked as well as the raw fuel coming out the pipe and smoking like a chimney. any idea what the spec is supposed to be on the plug cap? and i did clear the cylinders before i switched plugs still no help
Off the top of my head I believe it's 5K ohms, if I remember right.
New member
thanks for the info ill give it a try and report back later. im at work until 5 so cant do anything until then. any other ideas? dont want to be stuck with out a sled on the first good rideable days this season
New member
well replaced the plug cap and went riding for 5 hrs with no problems. thanks again guys
Test Dummy
TY.com strikes again!!!
What would a dealer charged for this info? I love to read these threads. Becoming a VIP, makes sure it will always be here, thanks Mr Sled.......

What would a dealer charged for this info? I love to read these threads. Becoming a VIP, makes sure it will always be here, thanks Mr Sled.......

First reply, first thing I said I was right! lol... Glad you're all set.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Says the guy that run his sled out of gas and thaught it was blown up. I have a broken watch I hold onto for sentimental value and....its right twice a day!