couple of ?'s for powervalve guys


New member
Feb 8, 2011
i just want to make sure this is right before i call it done..first off did i do something out of sequence?? i have the test lead when i apply power the servo hums alittle and turns then it gives back just a i slacked all cables and hit servo again it still gives back some.where should it be for adjustment at it furthest point or where it comes to rest? something dont seem right.. i loosened 2 screws on pv body for check and gap is smaller than 2.5 mm..... help
I havent ever done it with the battery method. From what I have read that "giveback" or "twitch" is do to cables being to tight (supported by your statement of less than 2 mm) Did you take valves out? Are they clean? Is it possible one or more is gooed in place? Whether you are doing battery method or below 900 rpm method there needs to be enough slack to let servo wheel do what ever it wants without tention on cables.
i just cleaned them today.. and have cables slacked all the im getting no response from my servo when i charge it ...or no response when i try idle down method
RUT ROW! evrythings plugged back in on servo and dont do anything when you start sled? If your sure you were putting power to the right spot then I would have to beleive servo already had a problem.
Seems I remember reading some where that if key is off or kill switch in dead position that battery method dont work. But that would have no bearing on it running and not responding. I would check grounds and then look at harness for chaffing
