Gas Level


Dec 5, 2011
Dickinson Ctr, NY
This may sound like a dumb question, but I don't know the answer and that's why I am asking. The float inside the gas tank, is it supposed to float freely or only when you start the snowmobile. I would go out and start it up but I have the oil switch out testing that so I can't start it up at the moment.
devfurnace said:
This may sound like a dumb question, but I don't know the answer and that's why I am asking. The float inside the gas tank, is it supposed to float freely or only when you start the snowmobile. I would go out and start it up but I have the oil switch out testing that so I can't start it up at the moment.

Doesn't matter if the sled is running... the float will float regardless.
Well I just went out to see if I could figure anything out about the float. When I looked in the tank earlier I could see the float at the bottom of the tank, had a long screw driver that has a bend end kind of like a hook and I had tried pulling up on it, but it didn't want to budge. Didn't really want to pull on it too hard because I thought maybe it was something in the sending unit that would make it not float. Now that I think about it, that didn't make sense. snomofo had said that it will float regardless (thanks for the reply by the way) which made sense to me. So I went out with my long screw driver and pulled up a little harder and sure enough, popped right up and is floating freely. I'm pretty sure it's fixed now. I have no idea what it was stuck on though. Oh well as long as it's fixed I guess I'm not too concerned.
Well I guess that didn't fix it. Must have broke something when I pulled up on it. Was going to take the unit out but I have too much gas! First time I have had too much gas for anything. Guess that shows how much riding I have done. Wanted to ask, when taking the whole fuel level sending unit out, do I have to take the whole tank off? Or do I have to take the steering shaft out because it is right behine it and I don't think you can get it by. Any info would be great.
I've got A sending unit sitting on the shelf I'm not using. Shoot me a pm if it'll help you out. I'd let it go cheap. Gil
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Actually it wasn't that bad to remove the steering shaft. All you have to do is get it out of the way a little bit so i un bolted the top bracket and just moved it out enough to pull the sending unit out. I have a quick question. Is the rod that the float on supposed to be curved?
Well I just looked it up on a parts diagram and it looks like it is supposed to be straight. Must have bent it when I pulled up on it because it was caught on something in the bottom of the tank.
