Front Shock on Skid - which way goes up?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Racine, Wisconsin
It has been awhile since I took the front shock on on the skid and I want to be sure I put it back in the right way, so...

Does the threaded end where the tension can be adjusted point down towards the ground?

I think that is correct buy would like someone to verify this please.

could someone else chime in onthis.Seems on my sxr and srx I installed the front shock with nuts down,and on the xtc here the front shock has the nuts facing up..Man what a pain.Does it really matter which way?? Could someone help Mike and me out here...
found this pic in the tech section..looks like nuts face up then..some one verify this :o|:o|

bluewho said:
Yes in that pic the nut is up.........................your welcome.

yes I know it is up in that pic..but is that correct for all the pro action skids or do some models have them in different position??
I don't know.Don't really want to flip the front shocks on my sleds hard to do really with skid in place..can't see an issue with it upside down.What ever happens will happen I guess.I am not in the mood for working on the sleds depressed with this winter already.
I hear that have not even had an "official" ride yet. Just been reading these forums and performing updates, blowing away cash. Maybe if I push it to the corner and put the cover on it will snow.
still not the answer I was looking for.....:o|:o|:o| will it hurt the shock if it is installed upside down is my question and Mike would like to know also...need betheviper on this one since no one else can tell us..
My fat fingers had it sent before it was finished.

I was saying, I can't tell by the exploded view(s) and when I was watching the pro-action video, the shock they demonstrated was the center section of the kind without the nuts. The kind with like 3 different setting that you adjust by rotating the shock.

I am thinking the nuts go on the botttom, because otherwise they would really be a bear to adjust on the top. I don't see how you could get a spanner wrench in there if they were facing up towards the top of the tunne.
