01 srx keeps showing 7 flashes on dash running rich any answers
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Tech pages, I think the light codes are under miscalenous.
they only show 6,5 im coming up with 7 thanks
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I have never heard of 7 myself. 7 steady or is there a sequence?
I have never heard of 7 myself. 7 steady or is there a sequence?
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7 sequence very quick flashes motor richens hardly will idle no rub thru acts like ign is cut out no power
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
7 flashes on 00 and older is powervalve servo/diconectivity. For 01 not sure? Powervalves/servo shouldnt have anything to do with poor/rich idle.
need to get serv man to know where to start looking noticed power valves will not come out but they r not sticking move freely
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I would lean towards a rub threw some where. Would cause the 7 flashes and interfear with TPS and TORS.
ill recheck thanks for info
7 quick flashes still points to the servo or powervalves, regardless of year.
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Does anybody know that 3 flashes on a 98 srx 600 means?
3 on initial startup is normal and telling you all is fine with the self diagnosis function.
if your getting one long with 3 quick short blinks, look at the temp sensor or the wiring to it.
if your getting one long with 3 quick short blinks, look at the temp sensor or the wiring to it.