powervalve settings


New member
Dec 11, 2011
Guys o know this horse has been kiccked to death but gunna ask anyway. When i do my powervalves on my 02 yammy viper sx(not er) i starrt the engine bring the idle below 900 to get servo open, then mark it. Now i shut the engine off and completely loosen all cables. Use a 2.5 mill allen as spacer tighten till good then retighten bolts right thats it. I shouldn't loosen cables before fire up right cause the only reason i didn't do this the other day was noticed some jitterring going on when i dropped the idle. This machine only has 66o miles on it but i cleaned them so they say to set after cleaning any advice helpful thanks guys,
"jittering" where did you notice "jittering'? Ski's? Taillight? An exhaust spring? If the servo was "jittering" or twitching, also referd to as give back this is an idicator that valves are adjusted to tight, will not let servo settle down into desired position. If you notice twitching/jittering/give back then you need to slack the cables off, idle engine below 900, mark, kill engine. Use 2.5mm spacers snugged in place. adjust slack/slop out of cables with servo in position that you marked it.
Make sure you screw those 2 alen bolts clear out first on the powervalve to see if you have pull thru's.
Checked mine today, when i went to adjust the #3 cyl for 2.5mm clearance,it wasn,t connected to the PowerValve at all.No idea how long, i've only had it a month, run about 100 Miles so far, Glad i went to adjust them today or would have had no idea.
Borrowed the Servo Pigtail from BETHEVIPER,and service Manual, made life lot simpler, would not have found the pigtail plug-in without Book.
Used a 12 volt battery to actuate the servo motor(non elect) and proceeded to adjust after getting local Machine shop to fix my Pull Thru for $20 on the spot.Hows that for Frickin service..Below is pic of Pull Thru, Repair,and servo service Pigtail.
He said he had just cleaned them and thats why he was adjusting. That is service, good price for right now service! More companys need to follow that example.
