New member
wanted to apologize to the seemingly fine people here if i have been too snarly for ya. nature of the beast i am afraid. if u really knew me u would know that i am as honest and "solid" as anyone u have ever known. i will be a model citizen for now on. seriously i will try to be an asset for now on with no antics. just remember nutjobs are the lords little children also. happy motoring to you and yours.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
We all have our moments. Often times frustration from wrenching bleed into typing! Whether you were serious or joking about being out of your meds I chuckled. Sleddin is my form of "therapy" if we dont start getting some real snow I may have to pay an MD!
New member
devilman thanx for being understanding. yup the weather has a way of messing with us humans. still love it though. was a weather specialist in the air force for a few years. got to appreciate the dynamics of it. hey before u pay some quack i suggest u just sit there on your sled with a beer and or whatever else u find comforting, and make engine noises, maybe turn the skis some, stand up, lean over and basically have a hell of a time. if $ is no object u could even fire her up and sweet talk each other. dont get carried away u might overheat the baby.
Put down the crackpipe Daveyboy. You are a nutjob.
New member
thanx mac for the confirmation. nope no crack in my pipes. all natural dude. repeat after me: we want snow !- we want snow!- yes the natural kind darn it.
Think most of us here have had our moments, sometimes things sound even worse being we can't read tones and body language through a computer
New member
We certainly all have our moments that's for sure. Seems like you know your way around the wrenches and that's what helps everyone on this site. There are plenty of people on here that have been workin' on these Yammis for years and years and they're knowledge is very much appreciated. I have been working on things with motors since I was a teenager but there are alot of things especially on sleds that I just don't have any experience with.
This is the best forum on the web for a reason. Everyone on here helps one another. If we leave the attitudes locked up it makes it that much easier.
By the way, From one veteran to another, thanks for serving! Oh yeah, hope you get your sled figured out. Just my .02 --Brian
This is the best forum on the web for a reason. Everyone on here helps one another. If we leave the attitudes locked up it makes it that much easier.
By the way, From one veteran to another, thanks for serving! Oh yeah, hope you get your sled figured out. Just my .02 --Brian
New member
thanx fj certainly making more of a project out of it than necessary. good at that. probaly is the crank seals. time to spray some fluid around the ends of crank. should have done them anyway. might have saved everyone from having to put up with my childish rants.
Mac said:Put down the crackpipe Daveyboy. You are a nutjob.
Won't argue with you there, he's my uncle!
All work and no snow make David a dull boy?
Im right there with you guys, I dunno if were gonna have a riding season in Maine at all this year
Heres to hoping I guess 

New member
yup this seasons sucks big time. dull? no just different. non comformist nutjob? you betcha