Srx is stock, I was told this is a must first mod with stock clutching. Anyone have experience with the rx1 multi angle helix? I'm about 220lbs and run long and fast trails.
to be honest, I would not get the stock yamaha 51/43 from a apex its not really that big, shifts more more like a 48/42, do yourself a favor and buy a 51/45 aftermarket helix, put 4.5 in both holes with a w/w/w yamaha primary spring, it will run out good!
Hey Mr. Viper that's the clutch kit I'm going with. Do you change the inner or outer to a 4.5 gram rivet? One of them is already 4.5 right? What do you think about using a green secondary, what wrap?
Anyone else with helix input?
MrViper is right, that isn't enough helix for a well running SRX, I did a search on it one time: I remember Turk mentioning how he has ever recommended that helix for the SRX. He did say that an advant-edge 48/40 is pretty well bang on and will shift out more like a 54/44. That's what I decided to get. You can get one from Allen at Ulmer Racing, he is a site sponsor!
New member
I run a rx1 cam in my 98, with stock loaded 8dn20's www spring, and a green secondary @80, and it pulls like mad, especially on looong runs. works great in a 98, but the 2000 and up have a couple more ponies, and could probably pull a bigger cam.
80 seems a bit stiff for long runs, what are you pulling for top end speed?
New member
Best run last year was 113 on my gps. I think its got 115-118 in it, but I ran out of road,I will do a few mor runs sat. and report back, rpm is spot on @ 82-8300.
Nice! Oh yeah the 98-99 SRX had a lower shift out RPM, I believe my 01 is somewhere around 8450-8500, with stock clutching I'm holding 8800-8900 steady, losing top speed no question. Do report back, you may want to try a lower wrap like 60, or even try a red spring, I read somewhere it's better for WOT runs! Good luck!
the big bad bluemonster is having good luck with the 51/43 in the SRX

yep years back on Aril 7 with 7 celcius and only ice on the River..I ran 7 straight wot runs and was hitting 118 on speedo.I had no studs at that time and was taking a chance wiping tailing all over the place...but loaded 8dg-20's-4.5 inner and 5.5 outer with w-w-w and 51/43 helix with green at 70 I think and it ran good rpm's.On a colder day with that helix will have over revved a little.