Broke Pull Starter

Its not hard if you dont unwind the spring.You might be able to just pull the rest of old one out and stick your handle back on.Depending how much you broke off.Your rope was just rubbing on a certain spot for years and finally let go.Either way you'll have to take recoil off engine which is simple also.
Get help from some1 that has rebuilt 1 before. They may be able to put new rope in with out letting the spring loose. Took me 2 days to get the spring in the first time. 3 hrs the 2nd time.
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Its as easy as clicking on the TECH FAQ FORUM thats 2 up from this one and click on the index.Now go to recoil rope repacment that mr viper has taken the time to summit.Enjoy tell your friends.. ;)!
When I put a new rope in my SX600, I used a couple of those auto adjusting wood clamps to hold the spool from unwinding while I took the nut and center cap off the put the new rope in. Worked great!
Yea, whatever you do, don't let the spring fly out. Took me half a day to get it re-wound. Just be careful when you pull the plate up. If you feel resistance turn it clockwise a little and repeat.
good gosh, dont take the recoil apart, your messin with more fiasco then you know. It does NOT need to come apart to replace the rope, follow the thread link.
Did not take the cap off, my buddy said "You got no bussiness being in there!" Taking the exhaust springs off was the most time consuming step. The rope and widget worked fine, still not sure i had on right? but it started after a couple of pulls. Thanks for the help again guys! Edit: The rope & widget was in the tool kit to wrap the clutch & pull start it.
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Hell my 98 srx would blow through ropes once a year came to a point where we would have it changed in a matter of about 15- 20 minutes. It doesnt happen to much anymore I installed an eyelet to run the rope through. Follow the tech section!
