New gears and chain

Gebby SRX

New member
Mar 25, 2008
Cedar Springs, MI
I need to replace the chain and gears in the chain case on my 98 SRX 700. The top gear is a 22 and the bottom is a 39 with a 70 link chain. The problem I have is that my yamaha dealer says the 39 tooth gear is no longer avaliable.

Are there any places that sell the gear I need or do I need just live with what is avaliable?

i see on some of the part sites that the 37 and 39 tooth are not available any more..but the 38 tooth on the new SRX is available..not sure of the width difference only...
I can get you that stuff.But if your changing all of it i would just upgrade to the newer hyvo style.Then you'll always have options for gears,chain.Yamaha used a 15w style for the 98-99 SRX then went to the hyvo 2000 and up with all the sleds.They will bolt right in also.Heres some prices below.

top hyvo gear=$35
bottom hyvo=$55
hyvo chain=$85
