02 viper oil pump


New member
Jan 25, 2012
I been reading allot about oil pump failure on the vipers and older sleds . Question is, what part of the pump fails . Gear, spring, seals, I took a pump apart and all looks ok . I know the cable setting is critical . my sled went full open oil . 1 qt to 25 miles .
I thought it was the older sleds....late 90's Vmax etc... not years of Vipers that had a lot of oil pump failures. I may be wrong! Curious myself.
sounds low. its better to go off of a oil to fuel consumed ratio rather then trying to compare it to miles traveled. if your sled is a viper they are set very lean from the factory. around 100 to 1 i believe. which is ridiculious imo. i set my cable for a fatter oil mix myself. as far as oil pump failure. mabey? when in doubt throw some premix in the tank and test the pump from there.
The cable was set at 23.5 is that a fatter mix or should i go with the factory setting 20.5mm . The pump has a drive on it so if anything would break i figured it would be the teeth on the pump gear . I pulled the header and oil was leaking out of the heads . compression is ok . Sled ran great on the top end but missed at idle . I'll put the pump on and try bleeding the system . If anyone has any ideas i would appreciate it .
gt350@comcast.net said:
How much oil do you go thru in a ride or a tank full .
at the min you should at least go through a quart per tank any less an your pushing it. i got the 19mm idea from an older thread i found a while back from daman. ill see if i can dig it up.
just wanted to add a quart per absolute full tank is a point of reference doesnt have to be exact. could be a lil less. 50:1 or so. is a good all around figure to go by. for 2 strokes. always ran 50:1 in my sleds and 32:1 in my mx bikes.
