I already have a 2000 SRX but it's in rough shape. Do you guys think it would be worth 500 bucks for another non running one and just build one stronger sled. or stick with the one I have and fix it up with bought parts?
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anytime you can buy a running srx for $500 bucks it'd be worth it to me
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I Will Buy Running Srx's All Day Long For $500!
jump on it b4 sum1 else does lol. the motor worth more than that if it runs decent.
Yes thats what i did except i payed 400 ! 

I wouldn't buy it. You should send me the info for it so no one else can get screwed 

no it's not running. it has no spark. i figure its the cdi box or something. it would be a parts sled for sure but has 150psi across the board on the cylinders.
its a bit out of your reach Confused, being that its in fairbanks ak lol
What year is it ? if its not getting spark it probally needs a stator
bADa$$ SRX
New member
for 500 bucks you have a ton of parts and you could easily sell some of them to cover the cost, i wouldnt hesitate to buy it
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
What the he!! are ya waiting on. Go get-her. Are you absolutely sure that she cannot be made rideable. Hate to scrap out a SRX for something like a stator.
I'm not sure i haven't had a chance to go look at her. been busy with work. I dont really need 2 sleds. but the other parts would be going to good use. the big thing is is that i have a really bad cracked tunnel on the one i already have and those suckers are very hard to get up here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Especialy considering you canbounce partts back and forth off your sled to figure out whats wrong with it