Everytime the brake is applied the headlight stops working or goes really dim. The sled runs great otherwise. Anyone ever experienced this or have info on how to fix?
I would suspect a rub threw in the wiringthat is agrevated by something moving when brake is applied. If you unplug the light and grab the brake lever in the dark you might be able to see some sparks some where.
I bet this is a rub through where I have been talking about.
Pull the pad cover and pad in between the handlebars and check the wiring there. I had a flickering headlight problem/no power to the brake light switch and found 3 broken wires there. They were by the cowling in the middle of where the handlebars mount to the steering shaft. I had to peel back a bunch of the tape and bam there they were. They were rubbing on the steering shaft. I Fixed them by cutting about 4" out of the wires, used some new wire, soldered them together and used heatshrink tubing and electrical tape, re-routed them and voila. Let me know!
Thanks for the input! Tomorrow's my day to look for the rub through. I did put a 6in handlebar riser on it at the end of last season. I'm gonna check there first. Searching for the wiring diagram now. Re-post tomorrow evening.
Well a short ride before I was going to work on it turned into my track getting mangled and ripping . I knew when I bought her the track would have to be replaced one day. This was 3 seasons ago. I tried to tow it to the trailer, but the conditions were too icy. I had to leave her a half mile from the launch point chained to a tree. Hopefully I can get her tomorrow. Anyone selling a 141 with a 2in paddle?