srx choking at WOT


New member
Jan 16, 2012
Was in the mountain with my srx today and when i go WOT it go up to 8500 rpm like a plane but when holding wot over some time its almost like it is choking.

Have excellent acceleration but as said when i go WOT over some time its like it is choking.

Any ideas whats wrong?

sorry for bad english
almost sounds like might not be getting enough fuel as when normal riding its keeping bowls full of fuel but when wot it draws all fuel out hence starving for fuel plugged filter pinched line stuck float
good luck
one thing i forgot to get in the first post.

up in the mountains it was choking. but when i got down from it to about 200m the choking was almost gone.
Mysledblows said:
What's the elevation difference between where you started (when it was running well) and where you were having the problems??

Ditto ^^^

That would lead me to believe that it's jetted pretty rich, so when you got up higher in elevation it was too rich to run right...

i dont know if you get the pic up but do you think that i should use stock specs on my carbs when i ride at 200-1000m ?
