Was wondering how much compression i should have in my srx. see on the forum you guys say 110-120..
but my question is: 110-120 what??
See at a dealer here that they have compression tester and it measure kg/cm².
So how much of that are i surposed to have?
but my question is: 110-120 what??
See at a dealer here that they have compression tester and it measure kg/cm².
So how much of that are i surposed to have?
120psi=8.44 kg/cm2
here ya go. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/pressure-units-converter-d_569.html get your pressures in kg/cm2 and use this calculater to convert. just tried it. works like a charm. 

Yeah ^^^ 110-120 PSI is what you are looking for. Make sure there isn't a large discrepancy amongst the three cylinders though. PSI is pounds per square inch (lbs. / sq. inch) and essentially is given one square inch there is X amount of pounds of pressure, in your case 110-120 preferably.