01 srx, no lights, no tach


New member
Jan 24, 2012
newton, pa
I have a 01 srx and engine starts up and runs fine, idles perfect. nothing on the dash works, no headlights. when unplug headlights and check with test light i have power in both plugs. could this be a problem with voltage regulator? tach does not work and fuel gauge goes right to full. Help!!!!
try to dry the blue load control relay ...its the one who bring power for all of them ...
Pull the pad cover and pad in between the handlebars and check the wiring there. I had a flickering headlight problem/no power to the brake light switch and found 3 broken wires there. They were by the cowling in the middle of where the handlebars mount to the steering shaft. I had to peel back a bunch of the tape and bam there they were. They were rubbing on the steering shaft. I Fixed them by cutting about 4" out of the wires, used some new wire, soldered them together and used heatshrink tubing and electrical tape, re-routed them and voila. Let me know!

I did have a similar issue with my 2000 SRX last weekend. I started it and none of the lights worked. No dash, no headlight, no rear light, no brake light. I turned it off, started it back up. Same thing. Did it again, and everything came to life. Haven't had an issue since.
