Custom made yamfrog hauler?


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Zoo town, Montana
Thinking about converting an older mazda b2600 into something of a custom sled hualer. It's a 87 4x4 with the long box. Bed is beat up, so why not rip it of and fabricate something specific to hualing a sled?
I don't think putting two sleds on it would be a good idea, but what about one sled on the pickup and maybe another on a trailer? Something like a wedge design on the pickup and could use the trailer to help load?
Really my only good reason for thinking up something like this would be to haul a sled or two and get GOOD fuel ecomony doing it. Just to get up to the pass and ride is about 90 miles here and then back. Adds up for the fuel bill quick. I'd rather put that in the tank or into mods on the sled.
What do you guys think? Build something like this or just stick to what works for the rest?

My regular pickup is a first gen dodge with the cummins.
If you are ripping bed of and re-designing then it shouldnt be all that much more work to beef up suspension to easily handle 2 sleds. Theres 3 easy options. Add-a-leafs, they are a secondary spring pack that bolts on on top of exhisting. This route doesnt affect empty ride quality. You can add leaves to exhisting pack but it costs a little more and you will have a stiffer ride all the time. 2 Theres a rubber block system that bolts on like bump stops. (look kind of llike the KONG dog toy) 3 air bags, higher end on pricing. Having an on board compressor will add to price but can be pumped up and lowered with out needing an air hose. If you "bob" the frame off right behind the spring hangers you should be able to tilt the bed just like a trailer. I have ben thinking about doing a similar make over EXECPT I THINK BIG! I have already built a SWEET nascar bus. Full length observation deck across the top. I have loosely ran threw the idea and I figure I could easily haul 4 sleds with ride in back and out passenger side and still have enough room for a tight sleeping quarters/kitchenette in the front. Once you convertbus to "motorhome" plates and insurance are dirt cheap. My nascar bus is $34 for platesand $272 for FULL COVERAGE insurance. What makes it even more odd is it has big block chevy that runs on PROPANE!
I've been hauling my sleds this year with an old 2wd Tacoma, one sled on a 4X8 tilt trailer and one in the back of the truck, no special bed required. I have 2 short ramps for the skis that go from the front of the trailer to the tail gate. It tows WAY better than the two sleds on a 2 place open trailer, and I can see around it. This setup gets around surprisingly well for a 2wd, I have cable chains for particularly nasty back roads.

It costs about half as much to run as my F250 PSD.
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do you block the trailer up some how to keep it tilted or let it come down then drive in?this is my plan to but havent needed to try it snow
I let it come down then drive in. If I remember I'll get some pics next time I go out.
that would be cool,one reason to remove box may be the ski stance,been awhile since i hauled my exciter back there but theres no way my sxr fitting,also my garage is to narrow for a two place,unless i get creative.

