1998 SRX700: Bad idle, no fuel gauge, no tach


New member
Nov 2, 2003
Been awhile since I've been here! Nice to be back at TY! So a big hello to old friends..and new alike!!


1998 SRX700. Ran like a champ in the fall getting it ready for winter. Winter arrives and (of course) there are issues. Sled won't idle. Well it will a bit..but not well and won't stay idling. Backfires also. In addition, no fuel gauge working nor is the tach working.

Is this the dreaded worn through wiring harness? Is this a bad CDI, stator, etc??

Please point me (or push me violently!) in the right direction.

Cheers..and deep powder for everyone!!
Wire rub through is the first thing I'd look for...under the motor, handle-bar area, under tank and seat, and under the cdi.

That would explain the gauges not working, but poor idle could be that or simply the carbs need cleaned.
JOKKER3 having identical problems on same sled. Back firingcould be caused by dirty carbs/tors. Other problems definately wiring related. Which ever figures it out first compare notes. Unfortunately with rub threws and mice loving our wiring it can turn into verifying every inch is good! You can try unplugging headlight, fire sled up and look for any kind of sparking/glowing from minimal/bad insulation on wiring. You can also poke and prod, wiggle parts of harness around until you see some sparks or tach pops on to narrow area of problem
