help 01 yamaha SX Viper warn light


New member
Jan 30, 2012
trying to help a friend out here. He has a 01 Yamaha sx viper just started it up today and the warn engine light stayed blinking. The gauge was cutting in and out. You would try to rev it but it would bog out then make a loud back fire. It back fired so bad it shot the silencer off of the pipe and it was half off. then would die. I started it again and it did the same thing. Any ideas on where to start? any help would be appreciated.
this may sound like a dumb question.. but how much gas is in the tank? only reson why i state this is because the light also acts as a low fuel indicator. and will do a constant flash when low on fuel.
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what you could do is take the air box off and put a little mixed gas in a squirt bottle. and see if you can get it to rev up by nursing it. if that dosent work then there a good chance you have a spark or wiring issue. another easy check would be to try fresh plugs if you have any. and with the light. is it just a constant flash? or does it have intervals to it? like a morris code type deal.. there are certian codes the light will flash out indicating possible problems..
Start with cleaning the carbs & new plugs, trying to get it running isn't going to do anything but waste time. After that see what it's doing and go from there.
Millierx7 said:
He has a 01 Yamaha sx viper just started it up today and the warn engine light stayed blinking. The gauge was cutting in and out. You would try to rev it but it would bog out then make a loud back fire.

Sounds like an electrical problem. Take a look at the entire harness. Pay special attention to the part of the harness goes under the motor.

Viper's started out in 2002. Although the tunnel may say different.
just cleaned the carbs the pilots were clogged. started it back up the gauge would not read the idol was good was not to low or to high. the gauge would just flash the red light symbol. The tach itself just sat on zero, does the red light indicate something diffrent?
