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ok guys ive got a 2000 srx that is slow it has new powervalves due to 3 pull throughts the clutch set up is stock helix stock springs with heavy hitter weights pulling right at 8500 to 8600 rpms it has the 0.725 track with id say 120 studs not that good of shape but usable and im getting beat but a stock f6 like bad and my 99 600 vmax trail ported, hauck piped and hauck clutch kit with 1"hack saw with 144 new studs just walks on my srx can you guys possibly know what can be wrong im thinking about goin to get a 1" hacksaw for it but dont wanna loose my speed on the ice. thanx for any help in advance. and i love the srx but right now im very dissapointed

first place to start is check compression on all 3 cylinders..

if that is good and PV's are good,,then you should check all your bearings thru out.If bearings are on their way out..it robs power
New member
yup start with basics. are these new power valves adj. properly? not put in backwards? is the airbox stock?(not gutted). is the belt close to new? is the track not 2 tight? are the skis toed out within reason? is the exhaust and jetting stock? lot of factors when looking for peak top end. is it staying in proper r.p.m. range until throttle is backed off? seems like it must be dropping off some unless clutches quite hot after a run? could be belt slipping. any marks on sheaves?
New member
the powervalves are adjusted properly the rpms are at 8500 the skies are perfect the whole sled is stock im gonna look at the carbs and see but it does rip decent just not like an srx should
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dont know why mine is bone stock and still is pulling at 100
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if the r.p.m. stays where it should with no slipping then it would seem that your ratios created by your clutches are not the most favorable. engine is turning at the proper speed but track is not. that is the only thing determining the speed of track rotation relative to engine r.p.m. assuming no slipping.
the 1" hacksaw is a very fast trail track. the .725 is your problem unless your on plowed iced or hard pack w/ good studs.
New member
yup lack of traction would surely not help. on the ice with decent studs u would think u would be o.k. though.
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try putting more weight is clutch to see if it pulls tach back.just because its turning 8500 doesent mean its right.alot of times you can put more weight in front clutch and it will still rev 8500 but going faster
New member
I installed the power valves and adjusted them on this sled.The sled needs a complete going over. To be able to help with this problem I suggested he come out and we can do some testing with it under known conditions. was the sled spinning? What is the gearing? Are the clutches shifting out? There are alot of queations that have to be answered to be able to help out.
New member
if gearing is stock(most likely is), belt not slipping, track not spinning out, engine at proper r.p.m. then the ratios created by clutches is only thing left. make sure belt is as good as new.
New member
ya dan i may have to take it to ya because im very dissapointed with it but im gonna find some plowed ice somewhere put my dad on it and have a her see what it reads on the gun but cant find no plowed ice. i was gonna buy a hacksaw track but will that kill my top speed or the way it gets out of the hole on the ice. im also gonna do a compression test.
New member
Simmon Lake has a test strip plowed. We will be going there some time this week to test.
Sounds like the rpms are a little high. Have you checked the secondary buttons on the helix? I try and keep mine slightly lubricated with lithium grease. Not sure if this would make a difference, but there's shim washers for adjustment under 3 bolts on the back of the secondary. I thought they were mostly for belt wear and engagement / sled taking off on its own, but maybe quickly measure the belt and see what the washer count currently is? Just thinking of easy things to check and eliminate
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destey said:Sounds like the rpms are a little high. Have you checked the secondary buttons on the helix? I try and keep mine slightly lubricated with lithium grease. Not sure if this would make a difference, but there's shim washers for adjustment under 3 bolts on the back of the secondary. I thought they were mostly for belt wear and engagement / sled taking off on its own, but maybe quickly measure the belt and see what the washer count currently is? Just thinking of easy things to check and eliminate
His RPM's are spot on at 8500.
Devilin AblueDress!
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LaPorte429 said:His RPM's are spot on at 8500.
I think he was talking about the 8600 number,which is over revving, not much but is. I would be comfortable with a sled pulling to 8450 than 8600.
New member
yup 8600 would be fine on a mod.(depending on level of mod.) engine with clutches pulling fully. stock= clutch issues, belt issues, calibration issues, maybe all 3.