Is there supposed to be any fiberglass packing inside a Bender can? I had mine apart to powder coat it and there wasn't any in it. I put it back together that way but I am wondering now if it should have some packing. I don't remember what it looked like inside.
Yes, they do come with packing. I have repacked mine before.
Is it just the loose pillow-type packing? I have some of that left from some 4-stroke quad mufflers.
I have a bunch of the pink packing on this page. Should that work?
I have a bunch of the pink packing on this page. Should that work?
If I remember right, I used the FMF white (no pink in my SRX!) could have been Pro Circuit too. I cut it to the right size and wrapped it around as tight as possible. Tip: Once you have enough wraps, have someone wrap string or saftey wire around to secure it tight and slide it back together.
The stuff I have is not on a roll. It is kind of a "nest" or "web" style that would just get stuffed in there.
It might be kind of hard to stuff it in there and slide it back together.
I guess I will just have to take it apart and check. I think there is only 3 or 4 rivets. Is there supposed to be some sort of sealer around the lid part? Mine is leaking exhaust soot down the sides of the can.
New member
Like edunn69 I've used the sheets to repack my exhaust on my FJ. Pull the core out, wrap it up, tape it up and slide it back in. The soot you're seeing is probably because there isn't alot of packing left in there. You'll have a better idea once you pull it apart.
Well, I know there is NO packing in there now so maybe the soot will slow down after packing also.