New member
Just wondering on any ideas if and when Yamaha will bring out the next generation srx. I'm sure they will but what kind of platform do u think it will be and what would u like to see in the next gen srx?
The nytro is as close as we are going to get.
New member
would seem unlikely that they will ever produce a high performance 2 stroker again. 2 bad. a 700c.c. triple cleanfire-rear exit exhaust- electronic reverse- low icing tunnel-
high output stator to really handle heated grips-more use of lightweight alloys-designed for ease of maintenance-etc. they would kickass on the competition
high output stator to really handle heated grips-more use of lightweight alloys-designed for ease of maintenance-etc. they would kickass on the competition
New member
maybe 800c.c. better yet

maybe they will surprise us 1 day..just maybe..knowing they could make a killing off it..wouldn't hurt either.But I am afraid it would be an unaffordable price tag they would place on it.It would have to be a pre ordered sled first to see if it is worth the hassle.
New member
I was thinking something like one of the four strokes with a turbo maybe 200hp lol is that two much to ask something that the competition has no chance against again another legend just like they where in the 70s with the 440 and like they were from 1998 to 2002. There is no doubt they will bring the name back as they did before I just hope it doesn't take 30 years. And I'm sure when they do it will be the top dog
New member
Yeah probly will be a high price tag as all yamahas are I'll be doing my best to get my hands on one though

with the economy of the World now...don't think they would really do it.I am sure sled sales are on the decline for the future anyways as many struggle to make ends meet..sleds won't be an important factor in life as well as many other unnecessary things.Prices are to high as it is,look for declines as the Markets keep chipping away at our $$$$....I for one lost to much from the markets already and it is changing what is real important to purchase now.Plus as gas prices climb...will kill everything.In Canada in some bigger Cities regular gas is already at around $7 a gallon....I for one have cut back on my gas consumption lately..
New member
bluemonster1 said:maybe they will surprise us 1 day..just maybe..knowing they could make a killing off it..wouldn't hurt either.But I am afraid it would be an unaffordable price tag they would place on it.It would have to be a pre ordered sled first to see if it is worth the hassle.
ya nobody is holding their breath thats for sure. from what i have read their sleds(not sure if all of them) they make now have fairly serious tunnel icing issues. dont know if the other manu. have this issue, but it is not a good selling point. yamaha can do better. they still need to shed some pounds. how much weight is this ice adding? mercy
New member
you know what would be cool a fuel injected srx the technoligy is out there ,they have mega squirt kits avalible now you could fuel inject anything and have the power with your lap top to self tune
New member
Yes well as much as I would like to see another powervalved two stroke I don't think we would see that especially after the time and money spent on ther four stroke. Yes they do need to shed some weight especially for the mountin guys but for flat landers like me a little weight is no problem as long as the handleing is good and power is there to overcome
New member
seems like they could coat the tunnel with some substance that would help with the icing. might not be practical i suppose
Active member
for 2012 they have a push turbo option at some dealers. now that arctic cat has their new 4 stroke sled the 1100 turbo yamaha will no doubt have to do something big to keep their "first in 4 strokes" name that they rely on so much now. i will not be suprised to see a new model in the upcoming years that will meet the demands.
New member
Push turbo is that the name brand
Active member
teamblue02SRx said:Push turbo is that the name brand
yes a push turbo or mpi supercharger are offered for only $1500 extra
New member
Hmm didn't know that puts alot of extra cash on some already pricey sleds
Active member
teamblue02SRx said:Hmm didn't know that puts alot of extra cash on some already pricey sleds
you have to pay for a sled that can do around 200 horse. The boost can be raised to make up to 250hp with a couple mods to the turbo. and $1500 is far from $6000 that the mcx kit is and the warranty still stands with the push and mpi.
i remember when the first year 1000cc 4 stroke rx1 warrior came out. the folks at ssr my local dealer had 2 of these models... one turbo charged boasting over 200hp! one n/a. now idk if the turbo one was factory or what... but it sat in the showroom floor bran new... with a hefty price tag of 25,000 dollars. i know what i saw i just dont know if it was a factory option for that year or if it was just an aftermarket bran new setup that the dealer built? anybody else know or hear anything of this?
Sadly its very unlikely we will ever see another 2 stroke sled from Yamaha.
To earn the SRX badge we need to see a 500lb 150hp+ sled from Yamaha and all of we Viper/SRX fanatics will be lining up to buy one!
These 600lb+ tanks Yamaha is selling just don't cut it!
I say again...Yamaha...ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!
To earn the SRX badge we need to see a 500lb 150hp+ sled from Yamaha and all of we Viper/SRX fanatics will be lining up to buy one!
These 600lb+ tanks Yamaha is selling just don't cut it!
I say again...Yamaha...ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!
n/m the sled i saw for sale definitley wasnt a factory build its been so many years since i seen it i kinda wonder if this wasnt it or one just like it apparently the guys at my dealer built at least one of these up new in 2003. this explains what i saw. To and Tech/2003/12/Custom Yamaha RX-1 Turbo.aspx pretty cool regardless tho.