front engine bolt torque


New member
Dec 11, 2011
Will somebody. Please. Explain why yamaha used aluminum mounts up front had a member send me a service. Manual in it it shows 1 bolt to each. Mount. up front my 02 has two. Bolts. On each side that thread into aluminum and thay want me to torque em down to 65 foot lbs called tom hartman he was as be- funkled about it as I was so pulled each bolt locktited them to bout 38 ft lbs any input on this.well no wonder was chewwin belts
thought they were all like that. i know mine is. mounting plates gotta bolt somewhere. its just a motor mount squished between two mounting plates one plate bolts to motor then rubber mount in middle then 2nd aluminum plate to chassis.
you should have a rubber mount in there anyway its a square nugget. and the rubber mount itself does have steel backers on it.
yea but there are the two bolts mount to the main frame piece(big aluminum piece shochs mount mount off of) those are the bolts in the manual that state a steel torque value i know the actual motor mount itself is steel with rubber dampers but the bolts that connect those the the main stay are the problem you have the same sled so you should seee what i mean
yes agreed. there are two bolts a piece that mount the aluminum stays in the front to the frame. i guess i misunderstood your origional post. i just tightened them to where i felt was tight and used locktight. havent had any problems thus far with it. but no sorry i dont know the actual torque values for those 4 bolts. i think they used aluminum to try and save some weight... weight savings, and fuel mileage while still haveing decent power were yamahas main goals for this sled when it first came out... hence why they used power valves for extra torque, the cylinders flow the best in stock form out of all the yamaha triples and the cdi has hotter timing curves.
